Thursday, September 2, 2021

Another asinine decision by Biden

Permission to shoot was requested and was denied by the Taliban

Suicide Bomber Who Killed 13 U.S. Troops IDENTIFIED

What Biden Told Operator To Do Should Set Him Up For TREASON CHARGES

A Politico report of leaked classified intel makes a stunning claim the Pentagon knew about the impending suicide bombing at the Kabul Airport’s Abbey Gate.

Defense Secretary Austin and Gen. Milley knew about the bombing and held a Pentagon meeting just 24 hours before the attack. According to classified notes of the meeting shared with Politico, preparations for an “imminent casualty event” were to be made but they kept the Abbey Gate, reportedly the “highest risk” area, open the next day.

The Terrorist could have been taken out by a drone strike...Permission to shoot was requested and was denied by the Taliban.

Read about it... and how we knowingly sacrificed American soldiers so that Biden could negotiate with terrorists.

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