Thursday, August 19, 2021

The First Terrorist to be Released by Biden

Abdul Latif Nasser had once been a Prisoner in GITMO

But Biden released him!

After being held prisoner for 19 years, at least some of which was in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Biden sent Nasser home to Morocco, declaring him no longer a threat. Just last month, on July 19, Imperial Leader Joe Biden released the very first prisoner from Gitmo. It’s highly possible that he’s now in charge of Afghanistan and out for revenge.

Biden wants to close Guantanamo Bay and he continues to make horrendous decisions against the safety of our country and its citizens.

Read about this terrorist who just made a victory speech inside the Afghan Palace in Kabul.

1 comment:

  1. Can't stand all the PR coming out about this. Biden f-d up
