Monday, August 30, 2021

Taliban Condemns the U.S.

Taliban *Condemns* U.S. Drone Strike on Two Alleged ISIS Terrorists

The Taliban has condemned the U.S. drone strike that purportedly killed two unnamed ISIS terrorists who were allegedly involved in planning heinous attacks on Marines on Thursday.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s main spokesman, condemned an overnight U.S. drone strike against alleged Islamic State militants following Thursday’s suicide attack near Kabul airport.

Read about the farce

Well, the citizens of the United States condemn the terrorists as well as the mishandling of the evacuation from Afghanistan by not only the Taliban's lack of cooperation but the President's surrendering to the terrorists and running with his tail between his legs. What a total disgrace.

Nearly 20 years of war, 10 days to fall. The United States has spent an estimated $2,261,000,000,000, or more than $2 trillion, on the war effort.

The War by the numbers


  1. I don't understand this. What is "the farce?"

  2. @8:44...The Taliban condemning the U.S.

  3. Did we get permission first? I mean, did Pedo Joe ask if it was ok? He should know better.
