Saturday, August 28, 2021

RINO's sure got it wrong - Democrats always do!

RINOs for Biden have blood on their hands

Exclusive: Jack Cashill drubs Republicans who 'proudly' voted for 'a corrupt old coot' over Trump

"Even before anyone heard of Hunter Biden's laptop, our RINO friends were keen on endorsing a candidate that no one – with the possible exception of Jill "Edith Wilson" Biden – could possibly have been enthused about.

By any standard, Joe Biden was a flaming mess. No Democrat of any age pulled the lever for a less attractive candidate. Compared to Joe, Hillary Clinton was JFK. Hillary actually had fans."


Democrats and those in sheep's clothing love to tell us that Trump had "mean" tweets, one of the reasons they voted against him. Can you think of a more ridiculous reason not to vote for the one person who was Making America Great? And we can't forget all those insipid women wearing pink pussy hats.

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