Friday, August 20, 2021

Rashida Tlaib always showing contempt for America

Democrat Squad Member Gets Fact Checked, It Doesn’t Go Well

"A Democrat member of 'The Squad' is under fire over her insane comments about Afghanistan and her obvious hatred of the United States."

Michigan Democrat Representative and Muslim, Rashida Tlaib, who is a member of  the Democratic Socialists of America has been receiving a lot of backlash after she tweeted a false claim about the United States supporting the Taliban. Her obvious hatred of the U.S. combined with her ignorance of history made for an easy fact check.

"As a Democrat, and especially as a member of 'The Squad', it’s almost a requirement to be ignorant of history. From their love of socialism despite its historically terrible consequences to the insane belief in the theory of cultural relativism, the left has made fools out of themselves time and time again. This situation is no different."


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