Sunday, August 1, 2021

One step toward progressive “equality”

Senate Panel Vote Has Finally Come In Regarding Women Registering For The Draft

Well, it's one way to get some women on the employment roles eventually. A veteran said, "YOU have to prove to ME why a country with 150 million men needs women.”

A podcaster from the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh, also chimed in stating, “It’s absurd and gross and immoral for a nation to draft its daughters into combat,” he tweeted furiously. “But this is what you wanted, feminists, and now you got it. You have only yourselves to thank. Congratulations.”

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. If it's good enough for the women in Israel, it's good enough for the women in the US, and to echo the quote in the Daily Wire: They have only themselves to blame!
