Monday, August 23, 2021

Is Sleepy in charge?

Has Sleepy Joe Just Entirely Abandoned His Post?

After coming back from a whole week vacation last Friday, President Joe Biden is now on set for another vacation trip back to his home at Delaware.

This is the 18th trip Biden made since he was elected as president, amid criticism said that he went on Camp David in Maryland last weekend as the Taliban rapidly swept through Afghanistan — then returning there immediately after he delivered a White House speech about the situation.

He returned to the White House so he could sit down with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos for an interview, which turned into a train wreck.



  1. You spent 4 years totally and completely ignoring Trump's weekly trips to Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster to play nonstop golf and now you've started with this 8 months into Biden's presidency.

    Sometimes the hypocrisy takes our breath away.

  2. @11:59. you even know what it means?
    Every time Trump was at Mar-A-Lago, he was doing business. He worked 16 hour days most of the time.
    He never went during a crisis such as Americans being beheaded in Afghanistan. And he didn't go to sleep or go there to memorize scripts. He didn't wait 2 days to call the prime minister of the UK to clue him in on what he was doing. But them he KNEW what he was doing. Joe was trying to figure it out and his next message on Covid.

  3. at least PRESIDENT TRUMP held his head up high with his eyes open when talking to AMERICA

    surprised 11.59 knows how to spell.

  4. Biden is a complete waste of human flesh.

    Its time for him to resign or be impeached!

  5. When Trump did go to MaraLago, he was working, not catching up on his naps.

    Trump did more in MaraLago than Biden has done anywhere!!!

  6. Trump did not travel to Mar a Lago for many months, during the last year of his Presidency. Anyway, It's his house, so why shouldn't he go there.

    It's a lot cheaper than going to Hawaii, and probably didn't cost much more than transporting Biden to Wilmington.

    It's nice to see the democratic party enjoying themselves with the Hollywood crowd. I'm sure the Directors and Producers have their foxholes ready for when the bombs begin to fall.

    From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli! We have had a glorious past, but a very dim future ahead of us.
