Thursday, August 12, 2021

Infrastructure bill will reward states with more Illegals

Biden Looking to Reward States With More Immigrants

Part of Biden’s infrastructure bill that Democrats pushed through Congress with the help of 19 Republicans, rewards states with more immigrants or another term, more illegals.

Instead of protecting our border and the citizens of the United states, Biden is sending these criminal border crossers throughout the country and dumping them in various states.

According to The Daily Wire:

The infrastructure bill pushed by President Biden and Senate Democrats apparently rewards states with more immigrants, offering them federal money based on the number of “covered populations” proportional to the total number of people of “covered populations” in all eligible states.

The Digital Equity Act describes “covered populations” in this way: “individuals who live in covered households; aging individuals; incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a federal correctional facility; veterans; individuals with disabilities; individuals with a language barrier, including individuals who— are English learners; have low levels of literacy; individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group; and individuals who primarily reside in a rural area.

Read about it...


  1. Biden's approval rating on immigration is in the toilet

  2. Unfortunately, States like Florida will pay forever for Biden's misdeeds,
