Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Horror at our Border due to Biden "non-policy"

Discovery at a Texas Whataburger Reveals the Horror of Biden's "Immigration Policy"

People from countries all over South and Central America are making their way to the U.S./Mexico border to try and sneak in to take advantage of the opportunity that the Democrats have created.

They face little resistance from the agents with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, who are overwhelmed and overworked. Even when CBP agents capture a percentage of the thousands of illegal immigrants entering this country, they release them into the country due to the Biden administration’s current immigration policy. And many are coming to Florida!

Gov Greg Abbott
Aug 9
Texas border town doctor pleads with Biden: Halt 'grossly irresponsible' policies.

“The uptick in cases locally is certainly linked to the number of those coming across the border who have already contracted the virus," Dr. Falcon said.


Joe Biden is not protecting our country, his number one responsibility.

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