Thursday, August 12, 2021

Getting Rich as a Public Servant

Pelosi’s Husband’s Peculiar Stock Trades Come into Focus

"If there is one thing that infuriates Americans to no end, it’s the idea that our public servants would be using their positions of power to enrich themselves. After all, we are the ones who anointed them into those roles to work for us, and any selfish side missions that they come up with take away from the progress that they could be making on our behalf."

My question is why is the majority of Congress millionaires and have made the bulk of their money while in public service? The only one I can think of at the moment who has few assets is Marco Rubio. He hasn't used his position to get rich.

Barack Obama started out as a community organizer probably making minimum wage and today his net worth is estimated at $40 million. His house in Marth'as vinyard is worth $11.5 million.

Read about Pelosi's husband

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