Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Felon found with hundreds of California Recall Ballots

Hundreds of California recall ballots, drugs, loaded gun found in passed out felon’s car

Torrance police said new ballots would be sent out ahead of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recall election on Sept. 14

"During the investigation, officers learned the suspect was a felon and had Xanax pills in his possession. Police said a further investigation found thousands of pieces of mail, including over 300 ballots for the upcoming recall election of embattled Gov. Gavin Newsom inside the vehicle."

And Democrats like to tell you that we are out of our minds when we talk about election fraud.

As one commenter said, "No felon wants to remove Newsom from office. Meanwhile, California leads other states in a lot of aspects, especially self-destruction. Once a truly great state and even a model for others, it is now a complete mess, thanks especially to the liberal political class."

Read what else this felon had


  1. I've told you this a dozen times and each time you delete the comment because you want to keep saying something that is not true...but let me say it again...

    I'm a Democrat. There is election fraud. It's real. People go to jail for it all the time. In fact, right now there is a big investigation ongoing in Florida where Republicans rigged at least 2 state races in 2020. Google "Frank Artiles."

    Where we disagree with people like you is when you say there are millions and millions of people casting fraudulent ballots. There is no evidence of that. Never has been.

    But there always will be the person who votes in two states (Hershel Walker's wife did it) every now and then or the person who votes for a dead relative. It does happen. And we know about it because the system roots it out and it is discovered and prosecuted.

  2. Frank Artiles...!!! A State rep from years ago?

    Did I say there are "millions and millions of people casting fraudulent ballots" in this blog? I don't remember saying that but we do believe that Biden won by election fraud, and that wasn't in this blog either.

    Stop turning everything around to make your point.Not interested in a Democrat point of view. No matter what you say, conservatives will always believe the election was stolen. And now funny business is going on in a Democrat state with recall ballots.

  3. To the person who attempted to post again about what I say and what I don't say, I am talking about this particular blog entry about hundreds of recall ballots found in Calif in the hands of a felon, not any other blog. Address the blog that is posted. Stop re-writing my posts.
    As far as eliminating a search engine, look at your own settings. I have eliminated nothing here. I would like to eliminate Democrats, however. And tell me, how can you support Biden or how can you be a Democrat which is nothing more than being a socialist/communist in today's world?

  4. anonymous--I DELETE your post because you do NOT follow the rules and you are NOT respectful.
    Go to a liberal blog.
    Your problem, which you will deny, is that you honestly believe you are the smartest knife in the drawer.

  5. How can any Democrat defend Joe Biden?
