Saturday, August 28, 2021

CDC says School Masks not effective

Large CDC Study Says School Mask Mandates Not Effective

A large study sponsored by the CDC found that masking children in schools is not an effective means of mitigating the virus

A large study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control found that masking children in schools is not an effective means of mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.

The study found that there were no higher rates of COVID transmission in schools without a mask mandate than there were at schools with such requirements.

So, all these counties in Florida defying the Governor's order of NO Mask Mandate in Florida schools, along with Judge John Cooper's ruling against DeSantis' order, is not following science. Florida will appeal that ruling.

Read about it...


  1. You're passing on misinformation in a pandemic, Lynn. Please stop. You could potentially be endangering kid's lives.

    CDC: "In addition to vaccination, strict adherence to multiple nonpharmaceutical prevention strategies, including masking, are important to ensure safe school instruction."

  2. cdc cant make up their minds which side of the fence to be on

  3. the CDC says, If you are fully vaccinated you can resume many activities that you did before the pandemic, but you should wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission to maximize protection from the Delta variant and possibly spreading it to others.


  5. The argument about masks in school is actually somewhat misguided at the moment. Maybe it should be about air quality first, masks second, and here is why.

    Normal outside air contains carbon dioxide (CO2) at a level around 400 ppm (normally noted as parts per million or ppm).

    The accepted standard CO2 level in a classroom is 1,000 ppm. That level is easy to maintain when a classroom is empty. Fill the classroom up with a group of students and the level of CO2 rises dramatically. That’s because carbon dioxide makes up a part of every breath you exhale causing the levels to rise as more people gather.

    A study of classrooms in the California school system found carbon dioxide levels as high as 2,200 ppm, more than twice the recommended level. A study done in Texas found carbon dioxide levels over 3,000 ppm in 21% of the classrooms tested! Children will find it extremely difficult to learn when CO2 levels rise much above the recommended 1,000 ppm. Studies have also shown that students had much worse test scores at 2,500 ppm than they had at 1,000 ppm. This only makes sense.

    Now you put a tight fitting mask on a child in a classroom which is likely already near, or above, the recommended CO2 level. With the mask on, the child is breathing in an already high level of CO2 from the classroom (>1,000 PPM) but is also breathing in the CO2 from his/her own exhaled breath. This creates a double whammy. A parent concerned about the well-being of their child might have reason to question why this is permitted. FWIW: CO2 levels raise 8X when there is activity involved.

    So if you are going to mask the child, you concerned parents need to come up with a solution that permits the child to wear the mask and also preform at their highest level. That solution may be to infuse vast amounts of fresh air into the classroom or possibly move the classroom outdoors. Whatever the solution, there are no simple methods to keep CO2 at acceptable levels when masks are introduced. If CO2 levels are not kept in check, test scores may reflect the added stress placed upon the child.

  6. to all of you who want to wear a mask--Wear the mask if you sick of it!
    Large CDC Study Says School Mask Mandates Not Effective

    A large study sponsored by the CDC found that masking children in schools is not an effective means of mitigating the virus.

  7. next month cdc will say the child should wear masks
    judge just said on 12 cdc is wrong

  8. Did you see this study? It was just released by the CDC on Friday.

    CDC: "In addition to vaccination, strict adherence to multiple nonpharmaceutical prevention strategies, including masking, are important to ensure safe school instruction."

  9. @10:38...yes and the report I put on this blog was subsequent to that report. No one care whether you wear a mask or not. NO ONE. Parents, however, care about their kids being required to be masked all day.

  10. Well, I care if people wear masks. They put pressure on me to wear them and I shouldn't have to feel pressured to wear it. Why do we need them anyway, other than to control people? They don't do anything to stop the spread of COVID. I'll tell you why: it's to make people like me who don't believe in them to feel guilty and bad. There should be mask mandates. We should make people NOT wear them.

    People who listen to the CDC or any scientist are sheeples.
