Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Biden keeps on failing - Surrended to the Terrorists

Biden Failed So Badly, Other Countries Are Rescuing Our Own People

"There aren’t enough words to describe just how badly Joe Biden screwed up in Afghanistan.

We’ve been in Afghanistan for 20 years and what do we have to show for it?

Well, we’ve wasted nearly $1 trillion…yes, with a “t” on a war that we have officially lost. This is the biggest military disaster since the Vietnam War.

We’ve lost thousands of American lives."

Americans were left in the lurch by Joe Biden, stuck behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, despite the fact that the Biden team was warned about the impending collapse of Afghanistan and Kabul. They were then told that if they were outside of Kabul, there was no plan to get them out. The French and British are actually going in there and getting their people out.

Read about it...

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