Sunday, July 4, 2021

Who Shot Ashli Babbitt?

Video Evidence Reveals Identity Of Capitol Police Lieutenant Shot Ashli Babbitt?

Newly resurfaced video footage appears to confirm speculation that the man who shot and killed Capitol protester Ashli Babbitt was Capitol Hill Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd, who was NOT assigned to protect Vice President Mike Pence, as reported by mainstream media outlets.

A commenter posted--"The shooting was indeed tragic, but she was nothing more than a useful idiot who got caught up in the Antifa led assault as evidenced by the signature black helmets, black garb, black back packs and whatever else the Antifa identifiers wear and carry.

But the complicity of the MSM in not holding the left wing radicals Antifa responsible for leading the charge and causing the damage is the real story here that has been completely ignored. But then again, the MSM is nothing more than the propaganda machine for the Socialist party."


1 comment:

  1. Who shot Ashli Babbitt?

    A good guy with a gun.
