Monday, July 12, 2021

Thousands Take to Streets to Protest in Cuba

Cubans Carry American Flag While Demanding Freedom From Communist Dictatorship

It was clear from what the Cubans were shouting that they want “liberty” and “freedom.” They were even waving American flags unlike Communists in the United States who burn our flag.


  1. This must be scaring the $hit out of the Biden Communists "in control" of our country now.

  2. Can you even imagine those in Cuba putting up with CRT? LOL

  3. All of these little countries are ruled by despots.

    Cuba and Haiti are very close to us, so there is more of an interest, but look at all of the little countries in Africa and Asia that have brutal dictators in charge.

    I say, end the embargo, resume the flights to Cuba, and leave it at that. I like the Cuban people, I like the Haitian people, but I don't want to die for them.

    I remember when the Germans had nothing to eat, and not even a sheet of paper to write a letter on. I remember when we sent them packages of food and clothing, which were probably opened and the Americans or the English took out the good stuff before sending them on to the starving public.

    Look at Germany today.
