Friday, July 23, 2021

"Much of Fauci's dishonesty comes from elitism"

Fauci is an Elitist, says Rand Paul

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul accused National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci of lying to Congress, telling Newsmax on Wednesday that “much of his dishonesty comes from elitism.”

The remarks were the latest charges leveled by the Republican senator at Fauci, specifically for denying that the National Institutes of Health funded “gain-of-function” research, experiments that were designed to increase the transmissibility of viruses, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China where many believe the COVID-19 virus originated.

“It is a crime. It's a felony to lie to Congress. And without question he is lying. Yes, he funded gain-of-function research in there, said Paul.

Read about it...


  1. The only line applicable to Fauci in this instance, is the famous one from Hamlet: methinks thou doth protest too much. Anyone who cares to look that up, will immediately draw the same conclusion.

    I'm surprised that Dr. Paul didn't use it himself during that heated response from Dr. Fauci, when he said that Dr. Paul didn't know what he was talking about.

  2. I guess you could call him an elitist; I would call him something far worse.
