Saturday, July 17, 2021

"Let them Die" says PTA officer

PTA officer on parents who disagree with her: 'Let them die!'

Video reveals rant in support of Marxist Critical Race Theory

"A rant in support of teaching children that all of America is racist, through the radical Critical Race Theory, has been captured on video, and it shows Michelle Leete, an officer with the Virginia PTA, announcing she wants, for those who disagree with her Marxist agenda, Let them die!'

She's vice president of training at the Virginia PTA, vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA and first vice president of the Fairfax County NAACP."

She sounds just like what we need for a training officer for the Parent Teachers Association. And those in the crowd clapped after her rant.


  1. if a white woman said that would she get the same pass

  2. Schools are looking for liberal instructors...looking for "woke" educators says one NYC Prep School.
    Why are they destroying our country? Speak up, people!
