Friday, July 2, 2021

Lawmakers Want Reimbursement from Feds

Lawmakers Want National Guard Reimbursed $521M for DC Deployment

A bipartisan group of Congressmen are asking the House and Senate leadership to pass an emergency spending bill to reimburse the National Guard for deploying troops to Washington D.C., in the wake of the January 6 U.S. Capitol "riot."

According to The Hill, the group consisting of 70 Republicans and Democrats sent letters to the leadership of both bodies this week asking for an emergency appropriation for the estimated $521 million cost of the deployment. If no action is taken, military leaders said it would have to cancel planned training activities scheduled for later in the year.

For some reason, Democrats had the National Guard stay in Washington, D.C. nearly 5 months after January 6, sleeping on floors, etc. The bill has not yet been passed in the Senate.


Read the Action on bill 3237

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