Monday, July 26, 2021

Lake Worth Proposed Assessments for 2021/2022

Refuse Assessment Roll
Resolution No. 37-2021 - directing the Preparation of the Preliminary Refuse Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and scheduling the final public hearing for September 13, 2021 with a 0% increase from last fiscal year. Currently, the assessment rate is $245.15 per Equivalent Residential Unit (“ERU”). The proposed assessment rate for FY 2021-2022 will remain $245.15 per ERU. This resolution also schedules the final public hearing to adopt the Annual Assessment Resolution for September 13, 2021

Stormwater Assessment Roll
Resolution No. 38-2021 - directing the Preparation of the Preliminary Stormwater Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and scheduling the final public hearing for September 13, 2021 This resolution directs the preparation of the preliminary stormwater assessment roll for FY 2021-2022 in the amount of $78.25 per residential unit which remains the same as last fiscal year. This resolution also schedules the final public hearing to adopt the Annual Assessment Resolution for September 13, 2021.

Millage Rate-Tentative
Resolution No. 39-2021 - establishing the Proposed Tentative Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and scheduling the first public hearing for September 13, 2021 and the second public hearing for September 22, 2021 Resolution No. 39-2021 will establish the Proposed Tentative Millage Rate of 5.4945 mils, the same rate in the current Fiscal Year budget.

General Obligation Bond (road improvements) Debt Rate
Resolution No. 40-2021 - establishing the Proposed Tentative Voter Approved Debt Rate for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and scheduling the first public hearing for September 13, 2021 and the second public hearing for September 22, 2021 Resolution No. 40-2021 will establish the Proposed Tentative FY 2021 Voter Approved Debt Rate of 1.11 mils for the FY 2022 General Obligation Bond Fund Levy.


  1. Basically it all will come back for a First Reading at future meetings. Nothing is going up essentially but they will make more money on the millage anyway as property values are way up!

  2. Is the proposed 1.11 (road improvement General Obligation Bond) voter approved debt rate for FY 2022 already included in our 5.4945 mils?

  3. @1:06 NO, it's a separate tax that we are paying for 30 years for roads. Voters voted it in.
