Monday, July 12, 2021

Lake Worth Commissioner Stokes wants to Halt Evictions

Commissioner wants to Halt Evictions in Lake Worth--

Renters who are behind on payments are breathing a sigh of relief this month as the CDC extended their eviction moratorium until the end of July.

But one Lake Worth Commissioner in our poor city wants to help tenants who still won't/don't/can't pay their rent.

Commissioner Kimberly Stokes wants to take money from Biden's American Rescue Plan and pay for those people who can't/don't/won't pay their rent and get them legal advice if facing eviction. While the intent of the CDC moratorium was to prevent the spread of Covid, there is no requirement in the order that the income loss be due to Covid. State laws may differ.

What about the property owners, the Lessors? What about their rights? They will still have to go through an eviction process that could be lengthy, costly and tied up in the courts.

PB Post article

Florida Housing Law


  1. Socialist commission

  2. This is not a new problem, and there are no easy solutions. If they are evicted, they become homeless, and we pay for them anyway.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the landlords. Most of the people who own those properties are not little old ladies trying to supplement their Social Security. They are slumlords.

    If they pay their rent, it goes in income, if they don't pay their rent, they claim it as a loss and pay less taxes. Also, there is such a thing as insurance for lost rent.

    Much as they might cry, those landlords know exactly how to handle this, and we don't need a do-gooder from the city getting in the way of a system that has it's own way in the world.

  3. @12;07 - YOU obviously do not own a rental property.

    Your comments are ignorant at best.

    Educate yourself before you speak please. We have enough of one city commissioner who people consider stupid socialist.

  4. First of all 12:07, I did own a rental property in Philadelphia at one time, secondly, I found it too much work and basically a thankless job, so I sold the property.

    In your case, you should learn how to read. There is nothing in the above paragraphs that I did not experience personally.

    If you don't want the hassle of owning a rental property, sell it!

    I'm not a socialist, and you are trying to make a case for yourself, and I'm not buying it!

  5. "Not buying it?"

    You must be waiting for it for FREE!

    Again, acting like the socialist you truly are.

    No matter how wealthy or poor a landlord may be, it is not up to ANYONE to tell them they do not deserve their rent more than the tenant deserve the apartment FREE. Get a job or two, but pay your rent!

  6. I didn't say they didn't deserve their rent. I didn't say the tenant should live in the apartment for free. I said: You're the Landlord; you figure out how to get blood from a stone!

  7. You seem to be having an argument with yourself 4:51.
