Saturday, July 10, 2021

Gay Men's Choir Sing: "We're Coming For Your Children"


  1. This video has been illegally copied and posted. You're in violation of Blogger's DMCA rules and it is being reported.

  2. It doesn't say it's copyrighted. It's fair use and nothing has been altered on this YouTube. It's not being used for profit. It is bringing a message that all non-gays should consider.
    Fair use on this blog also takes into account your comments on this blog so, if this is illegal, then YouTube should take it down on their servers.

  3. I'd agree with Lynn that Youtube is the company responsible for any potential copywrites or if an unlawful use was claimed.
    In this case, I imagine Youtube will see this video as likely to get shared and watched a lot, meaning they will MONETIZE it by adding advertisements - and with this profitability, I doubt they would be inclined to take this down :-)

  4. Is Lynn making any money off this video? It is not being used for commercial purposes so why is it illegal?

  5. I liked the video

  6. In March of this year "Gallup found 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual. The percentage has steadily increased since Gallup first measured LGBT identification in 2012."
    So now you have gays upset about this gay choir and its message? Sort of ironic.
    This complainer's comment has nothing really to do with copyright, in my opinion, as You Tube videos are re-published every day all the time by someone other than the person who produced it originally. It's the message of the choir they are really complaining about.
    What a shame. Gays are allowed to speak out too!

  7. Waz wrong with uploading a Youtube?

  8. Basically, lots of people are just copycats. If they had a video claiming you could have an operation to turn you into a horse or an elephant, for that matter, a percentage of people would sign up for it.

    I didn't listen to it, but I love a good men's chorus.

  9. I just read that the video has been removed due to tons of criticism.
