Thursday, July 29, 2021

"F*** Biden signs will remain

ACLU Scores Victory In New Jersey ‘F*** Biden’ Sign Case

Roselle Park has voluntarily dropped its efforts to get two suburban women to remove anti-President Joe Biden signage from their front yard for including expletives, after the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced they would represent the pair, reported.

Homeowner Patricia Dilascio was ordered by Roselle Park Municipal Court Judge Gary Bundy to take down anti-Biden signs she had put up with her daughter, Andrea Dick, for violating a borough ordinance prohibiting obscenities, according to NJ Advance Media.

Read about it...


  1. They had f trump signs, and those were ok, I guess.

    I see a truck that says fuck cancer painted on the tailgate.

    We saw pics of kids wearing "Fuck Trump" t-shirts.

    And this is what they are upset about.

  2. That must be a high-class neighborhood!

  3. @4:58...most definitely :) They learned from you guys!

  4. If this is what it's come to, it's not worth defending!

  5. I would hate to be trying to sell my house nearby. I think I would probably try to sue those women if I were trying sell my house.

    This is why people hate the ACLU. Usually, they are associated with ultra liberal causes, but every now and then, they deviate from their path to pick up some off the wall cause like this.

  6. Can’t normally stand the ACLU. This should be decided by that city’s ordinance

  7. the only one afraid of trying to sell their house would be a dem.GO GIRLS

  8. You actually called ACLU a "radical leftist group" on June 21st of this year.

    Now you're pointing out how they're helping out Trump Republicans.

    I mean...


  9. To the troll at 7:36...I still say they are a radical Leftist group. Nothing has changed my mind. OK?
    You sure know how to twist a story. typ8ical of liberals. Where did I say they were helping Trump Republicans?
    Will you please write your own blog. thank you.

  10. I doubt if you ever had a house, 7:33. You probably live under a donated blanket in a culvert somewhere.

  11. The ONLY person who is "dense" who comes on this blog is the person who just tried to post again trying to prove some outlandish point. Take a hike.
