Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Biden's Unnecessary Fibs

Lying Joe Biden Makes Up Story About Baseball Glory Days, Gets Completely Debunked by Fact-Checker

The big Lie:

Noting his kids have met “kings and queens,” Biden said: “But I played, when the first — the second congressional baseball game at the old stadium — the old Washington stadium. And I hit one off the right-centerfield wall. It bounced off the wall. I think it’s 368 or — I don’t know what is exactly now — but off the wall. And I’m rounding — anyway, to make a long story short, my kids remember that, all the rest. And guess what? The only thing I remember, too.”

Read about it... and why does he keep telling tall tales?

1 comment:

  1. Really. A factchecker is checking a Democrat? Wild.
