Saturday, July 24, 2021

Biden's Education Secretary will not give grants for CRT

Biden Has SURRENDERED On One Of His Big Projects!

Actually, it was never one of "his big projects," as we all know it is his advisers pulling all the strings in this White House.

On Friday, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona backed off from his proposal to create a new grant that was seen as encouraging the teaching of critical race theory and the “1619 Project.”

Mr. Cardona’s decision came after the department received more than 35,000 comments on the proposed grants, with most of the comments objecting to grants to promote teaching U.S. history through the prism of race and highlighting the impact of slavery.

Read about it...

Luckily for Florida students, Florida’s state Board of Education banned “critical race theory” from public school classrooms adopting new rules it said would shield schoolchildren from curricula that could “distort historical events.”

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