Thursday, July 15, 2021

Biden's Build Back Worse Policy

Federal Judge Freezes President Biden’s Program

He Stamps An Injunction On Joe’s Plan To Exclude White Farmers

I can't emphasize this enough. What the heck ever happened to fair and equal in this great country? That Right is eroding fast under the Biden policies.

"During his campaign, Joe Biden promised recovery for America with his “Build Back Better” slogan.

But it seems he wanted to build back, but for only certain Americans.

A third judge last week struck down the Biden administration’s multi-billion-dollar farm aid program that expressly excludes whites.

“U.S. District Court Judge S. Thomas Anderson of the Western District of Tennessee issued a preliminary injunction to stop the Agriculture Department from delivering race-based loan payments under Section 1005 of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.”


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