Thursday, July 29, 2021

Biden and his Cuban Policy

Protests at White House Rightfully Demand Biden act Against Cuba’s Socialist Dictatorship

"As the anti-regime crisis in Cuba intensifies just 90 miles from the United States, Cuban freedom protesters from across the country converged in front of the White House Sunday night peacefully demanding Biden act strongly against the socialist dictatorship and support anti-regime demonstrators in Cuba.

While these DC protests receive far less media coverage than BLM or other protests in the past year, they are significant.

Biden should drop any thoughts of lessening the strong Trump policies against the dictatorship, which many believed Biden intended to do. This is absolutely not the time for Democrats to – yet again – save the failed socialist dictatorship in Cuba."

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Sanctions only hurt the poor.

    Do you think Cuba can't get enough support from Russia and China to counteract anything the US might accomplish by these punitive measures.

    How many years? 60 years, and now Cuba is going to cave?

    The protestors never accomplish anything accept here in the US, where we are too stupid to just round them up and arrest them.

    Check out Hong Kong: they were waving American Flags.
