Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Woman representing America has no pride in country

American Black Olympian Spits In America’s Face As National Anthem Is Played

"This up and coming generation is apparently filled with spoiled and entitled brats who think claiming to be a victim is some badge of honor.

This woman is going to be a G-d damned Olympian, representing the United States of America and yet she treats the flag of the nation who gave her all these opportunities as if it was Hitler’s swastika."

The Olympic Committee really needs to shape up and enforce Rule 50.

Read about this. Perhaps this woman should be playing for a different country as the United States has given her every advantage and opportunity she would never get anywhere else with her attitude.

1 comment:

  1. why do we alow these people to disgrace our country.guess they think its all theirs.too bad they cant remember the people that died for them to do their thing.pray for those who gave everything for us.i know i do
