Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Racism," it's all over the da*n place! 😀

Biden’s administration is now saying that the National rotunda in Washington D.C. is “racist,” needs “safe spaces.”

Joe Biden’s administration is now saying that the National rotunda in Washington D.C. is “racist,” needs “safe spaces,” and should have signs telling visitors about “trigger warnings” because our founding fathers were all racists. 😕

Yes, here we go again with liberals telling us that America was created by evil white racists who need to be erased.

Donald Trump mentioned the other night that now they want to "cancel" George Washington.

The National Archives’ task force on racism determines that changes must be made. The report was completed in April and released this month with little notice. What the report does is provide yet another opportunity for erasing American history in order to fit the narrative of revisionists.

Read more about it...

1 comment:

  1. is the white house going to go back to white water and black water.doesnt seem like this country is going in any good direction
