Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Omari Hardy's Platform - How to destroy our Republic

This check mark shows approval or that something has been green-lit to move on to the next step of a process. Only in the mind of an alt-Left liberal Democrat Socialist.

Rep. Omari Hardy @OmariJHardy

"To save our democracy, we must:
  • White heavy check mark Strengthen and pass HR1,  the
    For the People Act of 2021] and HR4,[the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019.]
  • White heavy check mark Expand the House of Representatives.
  • White heavy check mark Add seats to the federal bench.
  • White heavy check mark Admit DC and Puerto Rico as states.
  • We can't do any of this without eliminating the filibuster. It's the filibuster or democracy."

The facts remain that the fraud bill, HR-1 now S-1, could destroy the Republic as will all of Hardy's desires mentioned above.

The Senate Rules and Administration committee deadlocked at 9-9 on the S-1. Democrats do not have the 60 votes to break a filibuster so they are thinking about devious ways to get this passed. This might pass as a Budget bill which requires 51 votes. Basically it is only one vote from passing. Schumer will likely invoke rule 14 to bypass committees and put the bill on the Senate floor.

It's all about power and control with Democrats and the hell with our country.

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