Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Omari Hardy, now Hypocrite extraordinaire

Democrat Hardy Accepts Corporate Donations, but Bashes Republicans for Doing the Same

Hardy clearly shows disdain for Republicans who receive corporate donations but fails to state his disapproval for Democrats like himself, who also receive corporate donations.

According to the Florida Division of Elections, Hardy has received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from political action committees and corporations.

And shockingly, our condo association's law firm contributed $1,000 to Omari Hardy. Will have to further explore that revelation. Hardy’s first federal filings will not be released until after June 30th.

Read about it...


  1. Hardy is just following the Democrat credo -"Do as I say, not as I do ".Hardy is a racist POS who's claim to fame is the color of his skin and certainly NOT the content of his character.

  2. Hope this election is the end of Hardy.

  3. I hope Hardy falls on his ugly face.

    That is one politician that is ugly inside and out.

  4. What an odd slice of the map District 88 is. And yet, I've been fortunate enough to miss it.
