Friday, June 4, 2021

Nikki Fried thinks she can beat Ron Desantis

Nikki Fried announces candidacy for governor, talking guns, marijuana, and more

"Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried entered the race for governor Tuesday, laying out a broad slate of issues she'll focus on if elected.

Fried is up against former governor and current Congressman Charlie Crist, who is also vying for the Democrat nomination. But her campaign messaging so far is focused on Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has yet to announce he is seeking re-election but is expected to run in 2022." [CBS12]

Fried loves to spout the party line of everything Republican being corrupt. We know better in Florida, Nikki. She must have read Rules for Radicals.


  1. First she has to defeat Charlie Crist. Charlie lost the election over something with the schools/teachers, but I don't remember what it was.

    Will anybody remember?

    This woman has real personality problems. I mean she's nuts! Read about her. She's probably the biggest user of the product she is so fond of pushing on the electorate.

  2. Did you ever notice that Nikki Fried's name and picture is on every gas pump in Florida?
