Thursday, June 17, 2021

Nearly 25% of Documents missing in Fulton County Georgia

Official Admits a Quarter of the Documents Mysteriously Missing

An election official in Fulton County, Georgia has admitted that legally required documents authenticating the chain of custody of ballots are mysteriously missing.

Possibly trying to downplay the situation, the official told the Georgia Star News that “a few forms are missing” and “some procedural paperwork may have been misplaced.”

By any objective standard, 385 out of a total of 1,565 is significantly greater than “a few.” Fulton County was legally required to provide these forms, yet they somehow “lost” them.

Read about it...


  1. "Facebook posts said "21% of 140,000 ballots were found to be in error in GA."

    There has been no official finding to that effect. The claim appears to be based on uncorroborated allegations by a plaintiffs witness in a lawsuit seeking to inspect absentee ballots cast in Fulton County. The Secretary of State’s office rejected the witness’s claim as false.

    A judge granted the plaintiffs’ request, but his order didn’t mention anything about the alleged error rate.

    Georgia’s top statewide election officials, who are Republicans, have audited, certified and stood by results showing that Biden won the state.

    The Facebook post cites a speculative claim about a 21% error rate. We rate this statement Mostly False."

  2. Talking about something totally different here.
    Please write your own blog.
