Saturday, June 19, 2021

Merrick Garland's distain for Election Integrity

Biden Uses Department Of Justice In Attempt To Shutdown AZ Ballot Audit

It seems that Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, was a political hack after all. He had to offer his two cents in the Arizona election audit. Thank God Mitch McConnell stopped him from going forward as a Supreme Court Justice.

Garland said that the audits are based on disinformation and that they are using “abnormal post-election audit methodologies that may put the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine public confidence in our democracy.”

That is disinformation as a judge is overseeing the audit and approved of the method used to conduct the audit.



  1. I'm glad they're analyzing the ballots in that mountain cabin in Montana. No one is going to get to them there.

  2. should believe in election integrity. Why is it that Democrats don't? You guys need to change the name of your party to UNdemocrat party.

  3. 8:14 Unlike the dishonest malarkey that went on in the early hours of Nov 4th and in the days Preceding with drop boxes, the Arizona audit has been completely transparent. It has been held up as a model for other states audits should they choose to do one. Just what are you so afraid of,8:14? After all,Biden was the most popular President ever right?

  4. Lynn, Google Frank Artiles. You've said zero about him here but he's a Republican operative that has actually been arrested and charged with election fraud related crimes right here in Florida. Using a guy who lived in Palm Beach County.

    So save your fake "election integrity" for someone else. Arizona results were audited multiple times and unsuccessfully challenged in court. The same folks who tried to overthrow Our Government on Jan. 6th are just trying to find a different way to do it.

    You all are a threat to America's democracy. It's high time we start treating you accordingly.

  5. When the report comes out in July be very aware and careful of the biggest FALSE FLAG event to divert attention ever.

  6. the biggest "false flag" is "There is no crisis at our border"

  7. Hold on here a minute. You're aware that they are examining AZ ballots in a mountain cabin in Montana, right? You *have* heard about that, right? Or do you think I'm making that up?

  8. they are reviewing ballots in a LAB in Montana

  9. A "lab" that's in a mountain cabin in Montana. Right.

  10. CNN says its a mountain cabin...woopie!

    "CyFIR is a digital security company working as a subcontractor for Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based cybersecurity company that the Arizona Senate Republicans chose to run the audit.

    CyFIR CEO Ben Cotton is also listed as the CEO of CyTech, first pointed out by Fifield. CyTech is based in Montana"

    NO ONE KNOWS where the LAB is...why would they reveal/advertise that?

    But CNN wants to "report" it's a cabin. It could be a facility made of wood. Who knows.

  11. @8:33...just found your comment. Saving it because of the threat. Google can find your url.
    You have NO clue on what democracy is. Not one Democrat does.
