Saturday, June 26, 2021

Lake Worth has Electric Car Chargers

Commissioner Herman Robinson in Photo

Lake Worth Beach has EV Chargers available:

  • In Beach Parking Lot
  • At the Golf Course
  • Downtown - In Public Lot across from Post Office on Lucerne Ave
President Joe Biden, an avowed muscle car guy who is currently trying to claim the mantle of “most environmentally friendly president in history,” recently introduced a $2 trillion infrastructure plan, $174 billion of which is earmarked for electric cars. As part of that plan, Biden wants to build 500,000 new EV chargers by 2030 — 11 times the current number of stations.

Does Lake Worth get any government grant towards these EV's?


  1. I thought backing in cars was illegal in LWB. Where was this taken?

  2. And who pays for the electricity?

  3. I was not aware they were installing electric car chargers. I haven't attended a meeting since Covid restrictions although city hall has lifted the mask mandate now.
    If they passed this, I missed it in listening to their meeting videos.
    How many electric cars do we have here? Did anyone do a study on that or are they preparing for Biden's infrastructure agenda and green energy initiatives.
    I have asked the mayor when this was approved and the cost.

  4. Probably Herman was behind this

  5. 8-16 dont you remember the dems push for everythimg to be free
