Thursday, June 24, 2021

Lake Worth Beach looking for answers for poor performing schools

City of Lake Worth Beach starting Education Task Force

The Pandemic didn't help the students as they could not physically go to school for some time.  School performance grades were waived for the 2019-2020 school year.

School report cards for the 2018-2019 school year show 5 out of 7 schools in the City of Lake Worth Beach earned a "C."

Commissioner Kimberly Stokes does not think this is a fair representation of our schools and she is heading this new Education Task force.

Just concentrate on Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and perhaps they will learn something worthwhile. (NO CRITICAL RACE THEORY. No Marxist indoctrination please!) The Florida Board of Education has approved new academic standards opposing Critical Race Theory and there are Democrats who object.

The "unique issues and challenges" facing our schools is the language barrier...all the children of "immigrant" families, which dominates Lake Worth schools and where English is not the first language at home.

Read about it...


  1. What does she think Fair has to do with it? Life isn't fair. If the schools only earned a C, she should work on bringing up the standards of those schools, not wringing her hands about fairness.

    Life isn't Fair. That can't be fixed, no matter how much money they throw at it.

  2. We are the wealthiest country in the world and we rank 25th in education.

  3. Mayor Triolo had a task force too. Not sure what Stokes thinks she can do to help. Critical Race Theory is just history. I learned it, no doubt you also learned it along with the Holocaust, Japanese internment camps, etc. We cant hide from things just because they're shameful.

  4. @4:16--Marxism encourages us to think in terms of class; critical race theory encourages people to think of themselves in terms of race.
    Both are bad and certainly should not be taught.
    Teaching actual historical events is a good thing. Everyone should learn about the Holocaust, the war and our enemies at that time. Nothing was shameful about fighting for liberty and freedom and fighting the countries of evil. We were attacked by Japan.

  5. As they say: "The Victor writes History"

    Someday,4:16 should read about the Australian and British POW's building the railroad through the jungles of Malaysia for their Japanese captors.
