Thursday, June 10, 2021

IRS investigating Political PAC affiliated with Chuck Schumer

Chuck Schumer Running Scared as IRS Begins Investigation

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer seems to have bigger problems than failing to bring home an impeachment win in 2021. What’s he scared of now?

It seems that his pet PAC, that is the Senate Majority PAC has a dirty little affiliate called Majority Forward. And Majority Forward? Oh, they’re under investigation by the IRS…. for something the lefties LOVE to accuse Republicans of daily: VOTER SUPPRESSION. Just take a second to drink that hypocrisy in… it has a certain saltiness… like liberal tears."

Even the somewhat left skewed Axios pointed out that Majority Forward and the CSSA were up to some serious shenanigans “aimed at depressing Republican general election turnout in 2018, newly released records show.” Axios reported.

Read about it...

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