Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Guardian Angel wins GOP mayoral nomination in New York City

He cleaned up New York City once; he can do it again--

Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa Wins GOP Nomination For New York Mayor

Sliwa founded the Guardian Angels in 1979 during one of the most crime ridden epochs of New York history. According to the organization’s website, “the ‘Magnificent 13’ rode the subways to conduct safety patrol.

For 37 years, thousands of people have joined the Guardian Angels and created chapters in over 130 cities in 13 countries to protect their communities and improve substantially the quality of life.”

Read about it...


  1. At first, I wasn't enthusiastic, but when I saw that he takes care of 15 cats, I changed my mind. Anybody who takes care of animals, is deserving of my vote.

    Of course, I can't vote for him because I'm not in New York, but I would if I could.

  2. ask the dems maybe they can get your vote through

  3. You do know he is a Republican, right 7:23?
