Friday, June 25, 2021

Fascists & Marxists taking over in our country

New York Suspends Rudy Giuliani From Practicing Law

Because He Questioned 2020 Election Results

New York is one big fascist mess. No doubt about it.

"The fascist dictators in New York have effectively removed Rudy Giuliani’s ability to earn a living in his career for the crime of questioning the results of the 2020 Presidential election.

According to reports, Giuliani, a former New York City Mayor and Donald Trump Attorney was suspended after a state court ruled that he made “false and misleading statements” about the 2020 election.

The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court said it was “immediately suspending” Giuliani’s license.

This is scary folks. This court has explicitly violated Giuliani’s First Amendment right. A clear attempt to silence him by the power of government."

Read what the court said


  1. Attempting to contact a former District Attorney here to see what he thinks.

  2. He's past his prime Lynn. I wouldn't want him defending me. Besides that, he's worth quite a few million.

  3. @3:23..."past his prime" What the he!! does that mean? Do you think all of a sudden Rudy has lost his marbles because he is 77 years old? He wouldn't defend you anyway. At what age do you think people become incompetent?

  4. I guess 3:23 is thinking about his Democrat choice of Joe Biden who IS out of his mind, the oldest president sworn-in at 78 years old

  5. People become incompetent at different ages. I've observed Rudy lately, and I wouldn't want him to defend me. Biden strikes me as over the hill as well. I think it's sad that some of the people who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's, have to sit out the dance to let these old fools whirl around the floor. Actually, it's more like a death rattle than a dance.

  6. @7:41...I say that some of these people in the Millenial, X and Z generations are utter fools and would be lucky to have Rudy as a lawyer.
