Monday, June 28, 2021

Devin Nunes on China and the U.S.

Rep. Devin Nunes said just today:

“China is a malign influence on the world in general and on America in particular. They are targeting, among other things, corporate America, bribing and coercing U.S. businesses to do Beijing’s bidding, including handing over highly sensitive technologies and trade secrets. American businesses need to be aware of China’s predatory actions, and those who aid and abet them need to be held to account.

When U.S. lawmakers attempt to criticize China over these actions, China correctly points out that the Biden regime supports censorship, too. And with the illegal arrest and detention of hundreds of peaceful protesters from January 6th, there’s a new “GITMO” in Washington D.C. where innocent Americans are being held as political prisoners, completely outside any legitimate sense of due process or the rule of law. If all this smacks of communist China, that’s because it’s patterned after communist China.

It should be no surprise that America is falling to totalitarianism, of course, since that course is being pushed by communist China which controls nearly every institution in the United States, including the CDC and a huge number of “science” journals. The WHO is run by the CCP, explaining why the WHO spent most of 2020 covering up the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of the coronavirus bioweapon.

Anyone pretending that the leaders and institutions in charge of America are working to defend America is living in a dream world. In nearly every case, the people in power are now deliberately trying to dismantle the nation and see it obliterated.”

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