Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Blackness Fatique

Fake racism as a political tool has grown tiresome and Bill speaks out against it.


  1. You live in your world, meanwhile this world exist.


    "DELAND, Fla. (WPEC) — A man is facing hate crime charges for attacking a family of four in central Florida, just because they are black, officials said.

    The Volusia County Sheriff's Office arrested 21-year-old Nicholas Gordon on enhanced charges of aggravated assault with a firearm, child abuse, and carrying a concealed weapon."

    Nothing fake about it.

  2. I almost deleted your comment @9:46 but I want readers to see how inane the question is.

  3. 9:46 omitted a question mark. Reverse word order. Nuance. Get it?

  4. Isn't there anything going on locally Lynn? Everybody has access to all of this stuff if they want to see it. It has no meaning and no affect on the life of the average person. It's not even interesting. Please go back to what you do best, and that is keeping people posted on the news of Lake Worth.

  5. @12:17...Democrat, please write your own blog. Thanks.
