Sunday, June 13, 2021

Biden is Making a Mockery of our Military

Biden has launched a war against Whites within the troops insisting that they are WHITE supremacists.

So they will spend billions of dollars investigating that bullsh!t." [AmericanFreedomfighters]


  1. Yes, Lynn, the President of the United States of America thinks that all the white armed service members serving our country are white supremacists.

    Also, I heard he thinks the moon is made of green cheese.

    Do you believe everything you long as it makes Democrats look bad? Are you that gullible?

  2. @8:39. I believe in truth and facts. The ONLY gullible people are those who follow Joe Biden and the Democrat party.

  3. No,this dementia riddled buffoon believes that GLOBAL WARMING is the greatest threat to our country!

  4. The Military didn't need Joe Biden to make a mockery of it. Every misfit and loser that can't get a job, goes in the military. What the Military needs, is to bring back Selective Service, and the draft. That way, you have a cross section of the population of the country participating in the defense of out country. And if they draft women: So Be It! This is what they wanted!

  5. Everyone knows it's ILLEGAL ALIENS or CRITICAL RACE THEORY or BIG TECH, right, Anon?

  6. @3:03///Not sure about Q but on the rest, you are right. Congrats Dem!

  7. I would suppose every guy/gal who graduates from our military colleges are losers and misfits @2:39? Our military is voluntary and as such we have people who want to service their country.

  8. I guess you're not keeping track of what happens on the bases. The murders and mayhem. How about those nice guys selling military weapons to Chicago gang members.

    The Military Academies are somewhat different. They graduate with rank, and are educated with the understanding that they will serve.

    You can't really make a comparison between the rank and file, and a graduate of West Point.

  9. The most common crime on military bases is absent without leave. They have similar crimes to general neighborhoods as any small confined community would have I would suppose.
