Sunday, June 6, 2021

Biden and Stupid Comments

Joe Biden's flubs are the gift that keep on giving

Most recently Biden essentially said that black entrepreneurs are just as smart as white entrepreneurs, but they just don't have accountants.


  1. lol

    Wait until you hear Donald Trump talk!

  2. Gee, that's odd 9:46...I have NEVER heard Trump say anything that was not factual. Poor Joe can't even read a Teleprompter half the time. And what's not funny, Biden is destroying our country. Start addressing that.

  3. 9:46 you know that Biden is a dementia ridden racist as much as we do. The scary part, is that what YOU are hearing with a sinking heart,9:46, is exactly what China, and Iran and Russia are hearing! Don't think that they would hesitate to nuke us or our allies? What would confused Joe and his buddies do? Applaud?

  4. Everyone watch the rally in North Carolina last night? It was terrific like the good old days. Trump is back in spite of Facebook, Twitter and the liberals.
