Friday, June 4, 2021

Biden and his U.S. Citizenship Act

Biden Pushes Congress to Pass Bill Allowing 11 Million Immigrants to Gain Citizenship

"Nearly 11 million people in this country are undocumented — and it is time that the Congress acts by passing the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, the immigration reform plan that I introduced on day one of my Presidency.

My plan would provide a pathway to lawful permanent residency and citizenship for these undocumented immigrants, including Dreamers, individuals with Temporary Protected Status, farm workers, and other essential workers who contribute to our Nation every day.”

There you go--reward people who broke United States Law. And what he will find if this law goes into effect, there are probably triple that number of illegals in our country and they will come out of the woodwork.

Read about this proposed travesty

You do not reward lawbreakers. BUILD THE DAMN WALL!

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