Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Network Gang --The Darkside - Russian Hackers

Colonial Pipeline Cyber-Attacker Unmasked By The FBI

The operator of the country’s largest fuel pipeline, Colonial Pipeline, fell victim to a cybersecurity attack on Friday that involved ransomware, forcing it to temporarily shut down all pipeline operations and raising concern that the outage could lead to spot shortages of gas, diesel and jet fuel. CNBC's Brian Sullivan reports.


  1. I just wish I would get up early enough to watch Brian Sullivan.

    As regards the pipeline, it's so American to blame the Russians, when they have no clue what actually happened, or if, it could even be a malfunction in the pipeline itself.

  2. How do your come to that conclusion?

  3. All the articles say LIKELY, or COULD BE.

    We don't even know where the Coronavirus came from yet.

    The media just go from one thing to the next. They have their sources, and whatever they say, that is what we are fed.

    Nobody really knows anything about anything, and the few who do, aren't talkin!

  4. Agree with 6:36.

  5. we don't know what happened yet. what we do know is that blaming the russians only lets biden off the hook for this. hello? the russians are trump's friend and its about time all of us realize that. if we work with them, we all win!

  6. 5:28 love how you have to bring Trump into it. Trump kept Russia at bay . They are testing Biden and he’s behind the eight ball in ever respect whether domestic or foreign .

  7. trump worked with Putin. that's the key. you scratch their back, they'll scratch ours. it's the way the world works, btw. i agree with everything you say and i do think they're testing biden to see how much he's willing to work with putin. we need to stop looking at them as enemies and more as partners.

  8. Hating Russia is a phobia. Russo-phobia, whatever kind of phobia you want to call it. If you ever read a Russian Novel, listened to Russian Classical Music, (For instance: The Steppes of Central Asia, by Borodin), or read even two pages of Russian History, you would know that this is a people that we will not bring to their knees in whatever fantasy world you live in.

    Listen to the Russian National Anthem some day. Educate yourselves!
