Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Abandoned Hunter Biden Laptop Keeps on Giving

Hunter’s Laptop Shows Former FBI Director Bribed Joe Biden With $100K Payment To ‘Grandkids’ For ‘Lucrative Future Work’

You won't read this in the main stream, fake news media--

Materials recovered from that laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019 show that a former FBI director, Louis Freeh, effectively paid off the then-sitting vice president, Joe Biden, to ‘oversee’ “lucrative” business agreements using Hunter as the go-between, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.

"Freeh, who served as FBI director under Bill Clinton and George Bush, ran a consultancy firm with highly controversial clients His clients included the now-jailed Malaysian prime minister who stole billions of dollars from his country and a Romanian real estate tycoon convicted of bribery."

Read about it...

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