Sunday, May 2, 2021

Systemic Racism is "a bunch of horse manure"

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Dismisses Systemic Racism: ‘It’s a Bunch of Horse Manure’

Our great Governor Ron DeSantis dismissed systemic racism in America on Thursday night in response to President Joe Biden’s promise to tackle it during his congressional address the night prior.

“Well, it’s a bunch of horse manure. I mean, give me a break,” he told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham during her “Red State Trailblazers” town hall. “This country has had more opportunity for more people than any country in the history of the world and it doesn’t matter where you trace your ancestry from.

We’ve had people that have been able to succeed and all and here’s the problem with things like critical race theory that they’re peddling. They’re basically saying all our institutions are bankrupt, and they’re, they’re illegitimate.”


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