Saturday, May 15, 2021

States need to use their powers to Fight Socialism

Multiple Republican Governors Are Rejecting Biden and Putting People Back to Work

The concept of socialism can be debated depending on how you apply the theory. The radical shift of the Democrat Party in the United States dangerously approaches the ideology. Policies and ambitions from the radical progressive wing of the party support something inching ever so close to communism.

Through government intervention, there are millions of Americans getting paid more not to work than they would receive to go back to their jobs. Democrat policy is fueling a dangerous trend towards a loss of personal reliance towards overwhelming governmental support.

It is a socialist ideology based on a governmentally controlled welfare state. It is not what our free, democratic society, one rooted in the American dream, was built upon. Each time a Joe Biden policy reinforces this idea through government payouts, we inch closer to the edge of socialism.


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