Monday, May 31, 2021

Shadow Government no longer in the Shadows

GOP Senator Ron Johnson Says He Was “Set Up” By FBI Agents

To Prevent Him From Speaking About Hunter Biden

We used to always hear that the FBI was only corrupt at the top and the rest of the guys in the field were hard-working patriotic Americans with the mission of "getting" the bad guys. I think we all knew, deep down, this was fantasy.

Look what they did to Trump!

"The FBI is protecting Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, just like the CIA is. The entire American Intelligence community is a complete sham and have been totally taken over by the Deep State."

Read what Sen Ron Johnson has to say


  1. 10 years ago you posted a blog with the title "Memorial Day is for remembrance, not political trolling..."

    It was a good post. Still is.

  2. But yet, I still get a few trolls on this blog.
