Wednesday, May 26, 2021

OSHA Discussing Mask Mandate

OSHA Discussing Possible Mask Mandate Even After CDC Guideline Change

"Thanks to a year’s worth of social distancing and a new push to vaccinate the masses, the coronavirus crisis is quickly coming to and end here in the United States. Things have improved so much, in fact, that the CDC has adjusted their mask-wearing guidelines to give a great deal of freedom back to those who’ve been inoculated against the virus.

Despite this, it appears as though the Biden administration isn’t quite ready to let go of the facial coverings."



  1. Those of us who are immunocompromised are in a very tough place right now. The pandemic isn't over for us and while I obviously don't think everyone needs to wear a mask for only 3% of the population, I'm concerned people have totally forgotten about us.

    Here in Florida, the majority of people are refusing to be vaccinated for one reason or another, which makes things even more difficult. I continue to remain at home and picking up groceries at curbside because I just can't trust people who are still not vaccinated to do the right thing. Plus people are deliberately spreading false information that makes things tougher.

    Don't forget about us, please. As you all return to your normal lives, we will be in our homes waiting and praying for more people to get vaccinated and for the transmission rate to go down further. Thanks to everyone who has gotten vaccinated and those who are not vaccinated who take the time to wear their masks to protect people like us. I am hopeful that someday soon we'll be able to rejoin everyone.

  2. Perhaps Biden should learn how to properly wear the mask since he is such a huge proponent of mask wearing!
