Saturday, May 29, 2021

Multi-Billionaire Jeff Bezos might get Bailed Out

Democrats Try to Give $10 Billion Bailout to Jeff Bezos for Failed Space Flight Company

"Jeff Bezos is one of the richest men in the world, but Democrats are trying to give him $10 billion of our tax dollars to bail him out for his losses from his failed space flight company.

Bezos created his Blue Origin company but the whole thing fell apart for him when a multibillion-dollar NASA contract went to SpaceX instead of his company.

Now the Democrats want to help bailout the world’s richest man… with our tax dollars.

Sen. Rand Paul exclaimed, “cry me a river” over Bezo’s loss."

The irony that is not lost is that Bernie Sanders, a socialist, submitted an amendment to which I agree--“To eliminate the multi-billion dollar Bezos Bailout.” Bezos is a capitalist and capitalism is taking the calculated risk, a fundamental precept of capitalism.

A procedural vote Thursday, after some last-minute deal-making, advanced that bill by a vote of 68-30 — a veritable landslide in the 50-50 split body.

Read about the Endless Frontier Act

1 comment:

  1. Don't understand this at all. Joe Biden wants to tax the 1% but then wants to give Bezos $10 billion? Something screwy here.
